A New Year and New Goals

Happy 2014 ladies (and possible gents)!! It’s hard to believe that we get to start fresh and make this year even better than the last – although that might be difficult!!

I’m not one for resolutions but rather I like to make goals for myself. I think seven goals is pretty attainable and writing it down is sure to make me accountable for them.

1. There are a lot of purchases that we hope to make in the next few years and the only way to get there is by saving!!

2. I honestly prefer working out in the mornings, but with a work schedule that sometimes has me leaving work later than I hope for…it’s good to know that I already got my workout in and can get home earlier!

3. Gary and I both love to travel!! Thankfully this year we already have a trip planned to Charleston in March for my best friends wedding and we’re planning a Euro trip for late spring or early fall (destination is TBD)!

4. Running a race is on my bucket list – any type of race will do…5K or 10K doesn’t really matter to me, but hopefully I can check this one off in May and run the Harpoon Five Miler ~ that is, if we get registered in time to win the lottery of entrants!

5. I did read a lot this past year, but I want to continue reading to stimulate my mind and not just fluff! I’ll probably continue reading the fluff, but if I can mix a little WSJ in every so often I think i’ll be in good shape!

6. With social media these days it’s hard to be present and in the moment. With Instagram and Facebook it’s hard to just take the moment in…so I’m hoping to do a little more of that this year by putting the phone down and interacting with those around me!

7. Finally, I want to be a better person. Not that I’m a bad person now, but I think there is always room for improvement. If I can just be a little nicer every day and not harp on the little things. I don’t want to think of the negative things that occur or just go through the motions of the day…I want each day to be its own little perfect!

So tell me, what’s on your goal list for 2014?!
