Happy Monday friends! This past week with my mom in town has been absolutely incredible. Of course we’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby girl, but aside from 9 days in Greece with my mom when I graduated from high school, we have not had this type of time together! She has been cooking up a storm and keeping me sane while I don’t know what to do with myself! Here are some snaps from our week & weekend!
We walked pretty much all over the city, had lunches with my sister & did a lot of shopping!
I heard that acupressure could help with natural induction so I found a foot reflexology massage spa and tested it out…unfortunately didn’t work for me that day!
We checked out She Village in the Seaport which is a pop-up village with a rotating collection of retailers. Currently it’s got shops like Cynthia Rowley & Monica + Andy.
Ruched dress(non-maternity) || Bow Sandals|| Twilly scarf (Dupe for mine) || Earrings on mega sale!
I’m amazed at how much the seaport has changed in a few short years – this part near Fan Pier wasn’t there just a bit ago and now you have some of the best views of Downtown Boston!
We’ve been wanting to check out the food at Scorpion Bar for about a year now – glad we checked that off the list before baby. The food was perfectly delicious and just spicy enough to maybe move things along!
As we not so patiently await the arrival of baby girl, Gary and I were having breakfast and he told me that living in this world of instant gratification it made sense that the one thing we can’t control is one of life’s greatest surprises. So that’s the mentality that I’m heading into the week with – she’ll be here when she’s good and ready!

It's so great your mom was able to come up and keep you company while you wait for baby girl. And keep you distracted! Looks like you guys have been keeping busy. I hope that spicy food is helping to move things along! But I agree with Gary, that's a great outlook for this week. She will be here when she's ready!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde's Moment
Bless your heart, I know how very ready you are!! I love that you've been keeping busy and active and thanks goodness for your sweet mama!! xoxoxoxo
C'mon baby girl! I hops she makes her appearance soon – I know that you can't wait to meet her!
Hoping she makes her appearance soon! You're doing everything you can: spicy food, walking, massage…! Along the lines of what Gary said, our pastor recently said, "Isn't it funny that we can make it to space, can use 3D printers to make hearts — but we can't make it rain." I had never thought about that! Praying y'all get the best surprise of your lives soon!
So glad your mom has been there to help you out while you're waiting for baby girl to arrive! Hopefully she comes soon! That Mexican food looks so yummy too! Hopefully the spice, acupuncture and walking will move things along this week and she'll make her arrival this week!
I'm so glad you are soaking up this time with your mom – and that she is helping distract you! I can't wait to see that sweet baby and for you to experience being a mom!! It's one of the hardest things you'll ever wait for but the result is the absolute greatest gift ever!! Come one baby girl!
Love that your mom is there waiting the arrival of her with y'all! Good luck this week–I hope she comes soon!!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
I thought of you all weekend! You are really making the most of the waiting game, all that mama time must be amazing. That food also looks delish!! Here's to baby girl coming this week!!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Fingers crossed she shows this week! I love Gary's outlook on it though!
Very wise words from Gary! She will make her entrance in her own perfect way!! So good finally meeting you in person this weekend! Your churros looked awesome btw haha!
Rosy Outlook
Girl you are at the end!!! So so close!!! I hope and pray everything goes smoothly for you, I can't wait to see pics of her!!
Looks like such a fun weekend! Beaut photos, wishing you the best!
Anika | anikamay.co.uk
I know this time with your mom is so precious to you! I've been checking Insta every so often to see if there is any baby news! So excited for you, friend!
I have been loving following along on these last few weeks (days!) before you deliver. So nice that you get to spend such great quality time with your mom, too. Those little baby clothes — I can't! Too cute!
It's so sweet that you're getting to spend all of this time with your momma! Sending you all the good vibes, girl!
aw gary, that is so true! you are looking stunning my friend. and some time with your momma one on one is just the best – clearly baby girl was letting you have that lovely time 🙂
xoxo cheshire kat
Looks like you had a fun week! You're so so close! Good luck 😉
Oh, B…those last few days are by FAR the longest, but you're so close! Trust me when I say it's well worth the wait! Keeping all the things crossed for you that she makes her grand entrance this week!
You are doing all of the things! I hope she comes soon, but it will be the BEST surprise when she does!
Great weekend! Love how active you're staying and that you guys are just living it up!
Katherine | oneswainkycouple.com
So glad for you that your mums there to help you out. Hope baby girl makes her appearance for you safely and soon. What an exciting time!
It's so nice you are spending time with your mom while waiting for your baby girl. You look amazing and the food must have tasted delicious. Happy new week Biana. xx
Nina's Style Blog
I'm so glad you got this special time with your mom. I can so relate, girl. I remember working up until my due dates and then feeling like I was going crazy sitting at home waiting until it happened. I know everyone gets excited too, but all the texts and calls asking if baby was here yet also got to be a lot. Gary hit the nail on the head and baby girl will be here when she's ready! I always say a due date is also just a guesstimate so her arrival will be her greatest debut 🙂 Sierra Beautifully Candid
Look at Gary with the wise thinking 🙂 I totally went to your IG to see if baby news was there & saw the pic of you enjoying your weekend strolling along. Keep movin' momma! She'll be here soon enough!
What a special time for both you and your mom – how lucky you are to get to spend it together! Thinking of you and hoping little miss makes her arrival soon and safely. 🙂
I know you're awaiting your special little bundle, but what a wonderful way to spend the time while you wait! I've been thinking of you and stalking your IG to make sure I don't miss it!! Good luck, girl!
Also, you look fantastic at 40 weeks preggo, just so you know. I was an awful swollen mess and could hardly move. You are so lucky to still have ankles! Lol.
So so so close to having baby girl. I can't wait for you guys. Love that store. So many cute little girl things in there.
What a nice experience to have such good quality time right before your baby's arrival! The pictures are very nice and the baby clothes are so beautiful! I wish you the very best for the upcoming days and hope to see the lovely pictures soon.
Wise words, Gary, I actually never thought of it like that, but it's so true! I'm so excited for you, girlie, ah! Not knowing when you'll say she's arrived is giving me something to look forward to, lol! That's awesome that you're mom is around and is doing a lot of cooking for you guys, which will definitely come in handy and make life so much easier! Relax and enjoy every minute, she'll be here soon!
I can't believe you're still getting dressed at 40 weeks! You look great! I was in gym shorts and tanks for the last few weeks 🙂
Hope baby girl arrives soon!
Girl, I can't even imagine how much the waiting is killing you, but try to enjoy the last few days of quiet time and get sleep too! Because while she's going to be your biggest blessing, you're going to miss the sleep and quiet a little too! I hope that you have some more fun time with your mom before little miss arrives, and hopefully you don't have to wait that much longer!
I am so glad your mom is there taking such good care of you! That food at scorpion looks so good, glad you got that in. Sending you good vibes while you are waiting!
Ahhh, can't wait to hear of this babe's arrival! xo
I am so glad you've had such a fun week with your mom. What would we do without them?? I love all these pics.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
How do you look so flawless at 40 weeks?!? Here’s to hoping she comes SOON! Thinking about you!
I thought for sure that it would be radio silence on the blog today. Soon I am sure – the extra time with your mom sounds so lovely, though, and that food look amazing. I feel like your posts always have my mouth watering!
I can't believe you're at 40 weeks! I'm sure you're dying to meet your little angel. It's great that your mom is there to keep you company, have some pampering and girl time, and all the support you need as you become a new mom! Best of luck with your delivery. I can't wait to see your little bundle of joy!
It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and that's great that you got to spend quality time with your mom before the baby arrives! I hope your baby girl makes an appearance soon!
x Kara | karascloset.net/
Aen't mums the best? Wow, I don' thave any little ones yet but my mum did the same with my sister when she was pregnant. This is an exciting time for you. Looking forward to seeing the baby when you're ready post arrival. /Madison
What a special time you're having with your mom!! So sweet!!
That is so great that you've been able to spend so much time with your mom! Am umm can I just say you look AMAZING for being 9 months pregnant!
Thanks you because you sharing your special moments with us. Your photos are so beautiful!
you look like you are going to have the baby any day now!!! my step daughter is due the 30th and I keep thinking she is going to have it on the 18th…I keep checking to see if you had her yet! You and your Mom look gorgeous!! xoxoxo
Good luck waiting for baby girl to come!!
So cool that you get to spend all the time with your Mum – I bet your Greece trip was great too – I did the same with my Mum at 18 after finishing school – but we went to Tunisia – which was 'interesting' LOL. Loads of great photos – I sense from this and your Instagram you are really relaxing and getting in the zone – I bet you go into birth in such a calm, strong frame of mind! Keep avidly checking your instastories for a final 'I am going in' post!! Sorry the acupressure didn't work but this little lady is obviously enjoying her time in there – maybe if she could see those gorgeous clothes or the churros it would usher her along. Those churros are just UNFAIR – that vision is going to be with me all evening haha!
She Village sounds so cool!! And those food pictures! I am dying over here!!! Come on baby girl!!! At least you guys are sneaking in a bunch of little adventures and taking advantage of the extra time 🙂
SO great to have your mom around to help you. I am dying to go to She Village, it sounds so cool!
xx, Elise