Hello there friends! I’ve gotten a couple of requests to share what a typical day was like for me while I have been on maternity leave and I decided to document it! I thought I would start the day pretty much when it really starts – with the first feeding in the middle of the night!
Sophia went down after her dream feed around 10:30 PM the night before, so her first middle of the night feed was at 2:30ish. This is my view when I feed her. She’s still in our room, but I take her into the nursery to change her and feed.
We’ll count this next feed as the first in the morning. We went back to sleep for a little while longer and were ready to get our day started!
Notice how everything is pretty much a mess these days! I try to clean up, but things keep piling up!
I try to have her first nap of the day be at home – we’ll start in the DockATot, then she’ll wake up and I rock her back and put her in the swing. This little song and dance get’s us to her next feeding!
Then it’s time for our first of many walks outside. She’s been much more alert at the start of our walks and it’s fun to see her looking around and taking in all the sights and sounds.
This was actually a bit out of the norm for us because we had some pictures in the park taken. I had a photographer reach out to me via Instagram and I thought it would be fun to get some photos of Sophia and I at this stage! I’l be sharing the rest of them in an upcoming blog post!
After walking around for about an hour we head back home and I eat lunch while she discovers her hand! It’s actually really cute because she’ll put her hand in her mouth and then make this face like she doesn’t like how it tastes!
My friend was working from home so she met up with us for our afternoon stroll. It’s seriously the best when I can meet up with a friend during the day and makes the day go by even faster!
Usually Gary gets home from work around 6:00 PM and we try to eat dinner while Sophia either takes her last nap or is in the swing chatting away with us! We try to give her a bath around 7:00 every night so that we have some sort of routine and she just loves her baths!
Finally around 9:00 after a shower & dinner I sit down on the couch, but unfortunately it’s short lived since Sophia is up and ready for her last feed of the day. I call it a night and jump into bed and get ready for what I hope is her long stretch of sleep!
I wish I could say that I get a ton done during the day, but she doesn’t take very long naps when we’re at home – usually no more than 30 minutes. In that time I try to change out the laundry, get some blog work done or do something in the kitchen. The flip side to this is that I really don’t have much that needs to be done which is why I try to be outside as much as possible!
The days fly by much faster than I ever anticipated, but they are all just different enough to keep things really interesting – you know, will she have a meltdown, will she have a good napping day, will the weather cooperate and allow us to go outside more than once! Regardless, I wouldn’t trade any of these days for anything!

It sounds like you have Sophia's routine down! I have always heard that you don't get much done during nap time, but like you said, you wouldn't trade the days for anything! That's great that Sophia enjoys walks so much. And so wonderful that you can get out and enjoy the fall weather! Happy Monday, Biana!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde's Moment
You are such a good mama, such precious precious times!! Isn't it funny how your life changes in a blink of an eye but in such an amazing way!! xo
This was such a fun peek into your day! Love how much you guys get outside – definitely have to take advantage while you can!
Ugh– I don't miss those routine feedings! Wishing you long stretches of sleep! XOXO, R
Loved reading this and getting a peek into your new life! You're such a great mom!
Katherine | oneswainkycouple.com
That picture of you two in the park is so precious! Glad you're getting to enjoy all of these moments with her while you can and are loving every minute of it. You're killing it momma!
I love this realistic glimpse into life with a newborn! She is just SO precious and I'm sure you're soaking up all this time with her! The professional photos of you and Sophia are just GORGEOUS!
Rosy Outlook
😍. What blessed days!! Also, isn't the dream feed fabulous?!
I bet you are going to hate to see your maternity leave come to an end! Enjoy your days with your little angel! 🙂
I'll never forget thinking I would get so much done when I was on maternity leave…I was so naive. Enjoy every second!
Loved reading this! There is something so very special about those early days and months with your first child — when it is just the two of you, quiet and unstructured. I remember thinking some days felt like years, and some flew by so fast. I can tell you're soaking it in, momma, and it makes me happy! Have a good week!
So fun! Love all the photos!
Thanks for sharing what your days and routines have been like, it’s fun to know and get ideas on what other moms are doing. There was a stage that Aviah wasn’t napping much either (she gone back to that stage btw!) and we noticed that when we set the swing movement a little faster, that helped. I know, it’s hard to get things done sometimes and the house isn’t always as well kept. I still find that to be a challenge, but it kind of goes without saying, haha. I can’t believe how fast time is going! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, beautiful; I really enjoyed this post!
Oh how I miss everything about her being so small….. except all the feedings! Treasure every second with your beautiful girl, and the mess and work can totally wait! And LOVE how much you guys are outside! <3
Green Fashionista
your days are just flying by! spending them with that sweet face has to be just the best. cheers to savoring every moment 🙂
xoxo cheshire kat
I can't believe how big she is already! Doesn't maternity leave just fly by? Not during the day-to-day madness, obviously, but the overall time just goes so quickly. I remember Spencer being terrible at napping. We could only get him to nap if we had him in the Rock 'n Play on the highest setting with a loud (REALLY loud) fan behind him haha the tricks we mama finds, right?!
She is just so cute. You are so very blessed. Enjoy this precious time. Before you know it, she will be in high school!! Time does go by so quickly.
These are the sweetest days! Enjoy them. I can now see why being a grandparent will be so wonderful. When you are actually in the day to day with your little one it's hard to realize how fast it goes, and now that mine are grown I know just how fast that happens. She is darling!!! XO
Such a great day in the life post! Maternity leave really does whizz by doesn't it – I only took 3 months so I appreciate how fleeting it can be, especially when there is so much to do in each day. I really admire how you cope with the night time feeding, it must be exhausting! The little sleeping pod looks a great idea – she looks so cosy in everything. How much longer can she stay in the sling?
You just brought ALL the memories back! I love it – really makes me miss it actually. You rock! xo
Such routine when it comes to babies, isn't it?
I know you've been enjoying every single moment with your girl!
I love the picture of you two at the park, so precious! I remember all those feedings. They run your life! And don' worry about the mess, right now it is all the baby gear…soon it will be the toys that take over your house! 🙂
You are the sweetest mama! I feel you on the piles of stuff and short naps! But it will all change as she grows and changes. It is SO awesome that you get out of the house for walks with her so much, that is not easy to do!
I love these posts! And yes, I remember the days of having a newborn and the house being a complete WRECK. I swear I was always tidying up but it seemed like there was always stuff everywhere!
I love these posts! Can't wait to see those pictures of you two!
What a fun post. I always enjoy seeing how another friend's typical day goes. You are at a fun, but yes busy stage. Can't wait to see those professional photos. The one you shared today is super cute.
She is so precious! I love these types of posts.
Whew! Your days sound like our days. It's all dependent on feeding/sleeping 🙂
Our baby is 3.5 months and I'm still not above putting him in the swing to get him to sleep and then moving him to the crib.
It seems like you two have such a great routine down! Sophia is the cutest, I'm glad to hear all is going well.
The stage when they eat so often is hard because it means it's basically all you do! Wake, feed, nap, repeat. You are doing amazing. I love that you are getting out to walk so much. It helped me too.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Sounds like y'all have a good little routine! She is adorable Biana!!
Y'all are in such a good routine, Except I hope she starts sleeping through the night for you when you have to go back to work. Enjoy the last few precious days sweet momma!
I'm so glad you did this post–it was so interesting and I love that you recorded it so you can look back on it years from now! What a sweet time just the two of y'all!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
I love when new babies are in awe of new sights and sounds on walks. I know you are soaking up your last few days girl, thinking of you xo!!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Your little girls is sooo cute. I don't know how you manage to find the time to blog with an infant… I'min awe. I barely find the time and my kids are 13 and 15.
X, Julie | This Main Line Life
It's amazing how quickly the day goes by. I hope I can push through those night feedings again lol. I used to walk so much with the boys, once I felt up to it, and I'm worried with the weather I won't be able to get out as much with baby boy. Sierra Beautifully Candid
Oh my gosh, that photo from the park in the pink bear suit is the cutest – she looks like a little teddy bear!!
Meg, Borrowed Heaven
I cannot believe how time is flying by (I'm sure you feel it more than i do!). Sophia is the sweetest and I'm sure it is so bittersweet that maternity leave is winding down. Sending all the good thoughts your way- enjoy the last few weeks!
Aw I love this! I feel like this is something I am going to be nervous about, trying to figure out a good schedule for us! Glad you got one down and that picture is seriously adorable! I cant wait to see the rest!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
We love bath time and walks too – two things that make us both happy and pass time! Seriously, as for getting things done other than nap time, I feel like I just don't anymore! Now that Tatum's a little older I've been trying to make sure to be up a bit before him in the morning and that's helping a little.
Sounds like you are getting into a good routine. She is TOO CUTE!