It’s hard to come back after a trip like we just took and know where to begin in terms of recapping and also just making sense of everything that happened! I hope this serves as more of a storybook than an actual guide for Mangalore and Bangalore because there is no way for me to truly do justice to everything we saw, but I’ll try! Fair warning – this will be long, but it does have lots of pictures!!
What a blur! After boarding our flight in Boston we made our way to Dubai only to have completely lost all of Saturday…the beauty of time zones! It took a full 24 hours to make our way to Mangalore, India. To say I was a bit delirious would be an understatement! I did a lot of research in terms of what was okay to eat and drink (steer clear of the water) in India…what I came up with, better safe than sorry and as we all know I packed enough food for our India portion to last more than the time we stayed there, but none of it came back with us, so I’d say that was a success!
We stayed at the Red Rock Hotel & Residency, a very authentic Indian hotel, which was a 3 minute walk to the beach – perfect since we caught 1 sunrise and 2 sunsets!!
The staff at the hotel could not have been more accommodating and after seeing how important WiFi was to most of us Americans (typical I know) they were able to set us up! We adjusted to the 10.5 hour time difference quite well and that was due in large part to melatonin! Seriously such a life saver when you’re trying to adjust and get on track with your sleep!
Temple Tours & Touristy Things\
Temple Tours & Touristy Things\
Our first full day in Mangalore started out with a temple tour. We were lucky because Erik and Prassuna (and her family) did a wonderful job of keeping us all entertained and allowing us to see the sights.
I actually found the outside of the temple to be even more stately than the inside and loved the beautiful art work. We didn’t spend too much time here, but once we made our way out wouldn’t you know we found an elephant!
I’m sure this is a tourist trap, but to be up close with an animal of that size is incredible! Gary being the brave one actually interacted with him! One of the best things we saw in Mangalore is a beautiful botanical garden, which is part of an eco-educational program in the city.
We also visited the temple of the Krishna’s. It felt like you walked into another little city – so much color and so much history! It was a sight to be seen!
When you see a fruit cart you just have to take a picture, the same goes for colorful fishing boats!
Cocktail & Henna Party\
Cocktail & Henna Party\
Two days before the actual temple ceremony, a cocktail & henna party was held for the couple – friends and family totaling close to 150 all came out to the hotel! There was dancing, toasts and did I mention the dancing!! So much fun!
Wedding Time//
Wedding Time//
Sorry it’s blurry, taken from a friend’s facebook page.
When Erik and Prassuna mentioned that we’d play a small part in the wedding I assumed we would just be handing something off. But this was quite different – this was incredible and something only a married couple is asked to do and is a blessing for us as well as the newlyweds!
Walking in was unlike anything I have every experienced and we were literally there on the stage with them as they were receiving their blessings! Such and incredible thing to be asked to do and something Gary and I will never forget!
I think it was quite odd for some of the guests and even temple go-ers to see me in a sari because the amount of times I was asked for my picture (or in some cases not asked) made me feel a bit like an exhibit, but it was all in good fun…I think 🙂
Final Days in India
Final Days in India
After the wedding on Wednesday we hopped on a quick 45 minute flight back to Bangalore where we would spend Thursday. Checking into the Shangri-La Hotelwas a welcome treat!!
It’s brand new, only a few months old and when I booked it they actually didn’t have many pictures online, so it was a bit of a gamble, but it paid off because we had the most incredible 24 hours there!!
We didn’t see much of Bangalore – to say the city is huge would be an understatement – close to 4 million residents! Thankfully The Bangalore Palacewas within walking distance of our hotel so we made our way there early in the morning!!
What I found to be most interesting is that there are weddings every single day in India – and not just town hall weddings but super elaborate affairs!! So much fun to see!!
We had planned to visit some of Gary’s co-workers in the Bangalore office and after that we were beat- so we indulged because what else do you do in a 5 star hotel when the dollar is worth so much…youget a massage!! I cant say enough great things about the hotel, but with 8 restaurants to choose from and friendly staff it should come as no surprise that I didn’t want to leave!! But, the second part of the trip was coming up and I was beyond excited!!
If you had asked me if I ever thought I’d make my way to India – my answer would have been NO! It wasn’t a country that was ever on my travel list, but after seeing the beauty of the people and the way they live their lives – its truly something special! I had a few eat, pray, love moments…we saw some people living in pretty extreme conditions and it definitely makes you stop and realize what a luxury it is that we live where we do! I wouldn’t have traded those few days in India for anything & the best part is NOT getting Delhi Belly (similar to what you get in Mexico if you drink the water)!!
I warned you that it was going to be quite the post…so thank you for reading this part!! Is India on your travel bucket list?

To say I am jealous of your trip would be SUCH an understatement. Heck I was jealous when you texted me that pic of you and Gary and the elephant and it just kept on coming 😉 Your pictures are amazing,you look gorgeous in a sari, and I'm glad you guys had such an amazing time! I can't wait to hear all about Dubai!! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
WOW, just wow, lady! THis looks like the trip of a lifetime. How wonderful you were asked to be part of the ceremony, that is such a special moment. YOu looked amazing in your sari, seriously the color is stunning on you. Love all your beautiful pictures, can't way to hear more Dubai! xoxo
What beautiful photos and I love that photo with you and the elephant! The wedding looked like such a wonderful time, and a great experience as well! Glad the hotel worked out!!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Amazing! India has never been on my travel list, but seeing this pictures has made me rethink it. Just absolutely gorgeous! What a special trip…and you are totally rocking that sari! Can't wait to hear about Dubai!
Loved the pictures; it made the story complete! You left out the elephants yesterday when we spoke, but I love your excited elephant selfie!! Can't wait for the Dubai post!! Make today work, Rachel -CubicleCouture
Thanks for sharing ! Looks like an absolute perfect time ! Love the photo of you in the sari is perfection 🙂
Amazing photos! I'm from India but live in Australia now and haven't been back there in ages so your photos make me want to go back right now haha! x
It looks so nice there! And your sari is stunning! I have always wanted to be able to wear one for something.
What a trip of a lifetime. You looked beautiful in your sari and how wonderful you got to partake in the wedding. Sounds amazing, can't wait to read more!!!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Girl, what a TRIP! I bet people all wanted to take pictures of you in the sari because you were totally rocking it. Can't wait to read more about your adventures!
Looks like an absolutely AMAZING trip!!! So, so cool!
Annie Reeves
so glad you had safe travels! i couldn't WAIT for you to get this post up!! loved reading about your adventures. i admit, i'd never really had india high on my list to go, but this makesme want to visit one day. loved this!
omg girl. that trip looks AMAZING. i love the history and culture. the temples! the color. i can go on and on. so great that hotel worked out that you gambled on. everything seemed to really fall into place for you guys! that flight over must have been so so exhausting but you guys did all the right research and everything. love!
xoxo cheshire kat
You guys look so good and what an amazing experience and so special to be a part in your friend's wedding! Those sunset/sunrise look so gorgeous!
So glad you managed not to get Delhi Belly that would be the part I was most worried about I'm sure. India has never been on my list, but your pics definitely make me think about adding it! What an honorable experience to be a part of their traditions and ceremony. I would have wanted a pic with you in the Sari too!
Looks like you had a great time, I especially love the pics of the elephants! And the cocktail and henna sounds like such a cool party! I'd love to travel to India and this is making me want to go even more!
Laura | Laura Aime Vous
Wow amazing pictures! You look absolutely stunning in that cobalt blue… that is definitely your color! The trip of a lifetime for sure!
Your pictures are so beautiful. This is definitely the trip of a lifetime and I'm glad that you and Gary enjoyed it. 🙂
You guys looked so fab for the wedding! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time and definitely a memory making trip for sure!
Wow, looks beautiful! Love the vibrant colors! You guys looked great for the wedding and how sweet of them having you two take part as well.
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
Asbolutely stunning photos, full of colours and beauty. Thanks for sharing with us
Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'
What an amazing experience! I love all your pictures, such pretty snaps! I cannot believe you lost an entire day while traveling there, that is SO crazy!! Love your outfit for the wedding, you looked gorgeous and that blue is totally your color!
Xo, Rachel
A Blonde's Moment
Omg, just wow!!! The pics are amazing. I followed along on snap chat and really enjoyed seeing all that you shared! Welcome back, so glad you had a memorable trip!
Incredible! I loved following along with your snaps – it looks like it was an amazing time that you all will always remember. You look gorgeous in your sari!
What an incredible trip! Girl, you look absolutely stunning in your sari.
oh my gosh! a real elephant!!!! oh wow. that is amazing.
okay so i had no idea you couldn't eat or drink in india (or mexico for that matter). i love (americanised) indian food so that's a bit sad. i have never really wanted to go to india like the way i wanted to go to london or paris, but i am very curious and can see how it would make you feel super grateful for your life and just in awe of your surroundings. seriously, this looks like an amazing experience. and what an experience being in your friends wedding and wearing a sari! can't believe people took photos without asking, how weird! lol.
You look so beautiful in your sari! That color totally pops on you! Also, I am super jealous of Gary's experience with that elephant! So cool!
That seems like such a fun trip and an amazing experience! The sunsets/rises were beautiful!
What an incredible experience! I love that brave Gary interacted with the elephant and you look fantastic in that sari! So special you and Gary got to be part of their wedding celebration.
Such an incredible trip! Love that you saw more than just the one city, and yay for the elephants! The cocktail henna party looks like so much fun, and how sweet of them to include you in the wedding! And I'm obsessed with the gorgeous sari you wore to the wedding, such an amazing color <3
Green Fashionista
Omgggggggggg what an amazing trip! And girl you rock a sari like no other!!! So gorgeous! I can't believe how beautiful the architecture is! And it looks like the wedding was beautiful! So fun can't wait to hear the rest!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Wowwww!! How incredibly amazing. My roommate went to India for a wedding too and I was baffled at the beauty of it all.
Sara Kate Styling
I love all of your pictures! One of my best friends studied abroad in India two years ago and I'm still so bummed that I couldn't go and visit her!
Looks like an amazing trip! The wedding looks like it was so much fun.
xoxo, Traci
I'm sure people wanted pictures because you are STUNNINGGGGGGG!!! That color blue is amazing & looks fantastic on you.
What an amazing adventure you were on. Such beautiful things to see in this world. … & elephants! I'd just want to hug him!
Are you adjusted OK to your sleep now? I feel like it would take me FOREVER to get back to normal after such a crazy time change.
Wow, such great shots!! So glad you had a fabulous time!!
Wow! Just wow. It's so amazing that you got to participate in a traditional Indian wedding and you look beautiful in your sari . Also the time zone difference is outrageously crazy
I absolutely adore the ritual and color and joy of Indian weddings. How awesome that you guys were asked to be participants!
You were stunning in your sari, I'm sure there were photos taken.
Elephants are my favorite. I think they are such gorgeous creatures.
You looked absolutely beautiful at that wedding!!!! So cool that you were asked to participate. The temple looks so pretty to visit. And the elephant!!!!!! I love elephants and would have been on cloud 9 to get to interact with one!
My friend is from India and she always goes on and on about how different (and crappy) the fruit is here in the US compared to India. Did you notice that while you were there?
I'm trying to absorb your entire post but there is just so much fun and wonderfulness in it that I just can't. How great was it that y'all were in their wedding!!! You look gorgeous 🙂 I bet it's really hard to come back to the real world after such an amazing trip.
liz @ j for joiner
I loved following along on SnapChat and Instagram when you were on your trip! India looks like such an amazing country, and I love all of the colors! That's so cool that you saw an elephant that close, and that Gary actually interacted with it! And hooray for not getting Delhi Belly! It's always one of my biggest fears when traveling to a country that's known for not having the cleanest water. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
This is a great recap! That color blue looks great on you. I have never wanted to go to India bit this may have changed my mind!
Talk about a trip of a lifetime! And how cool is it that you got to be a part of the wedding in such a special way?! I hope you were able to eat some good Indian food, and not get stuck with everything you packed all the time! 😉
I know that this must have really been an amazing experience, Biana! I have a couple of friends from India and I know that the wedding ceremonies are extravagant and are a process to say the least, haha! You looked so beautiful in your blue suri; the color looks amazing on your skin tone! How awesome is that, that you guys were so close to the elephant?! Gary was indeed brave, haha! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us, beautiful! India is definitely a place I want to visit, I love everything about the culture, the food, the colors, such a lovely culture! I hope you're having a wonderful day and I can't wait for part 2!
Ahhh! That is so awesome, Biana! What a great trip! You looked amazing in your sari…beautiful! I think that India is such a neat country and I would love to visit. Your hotels sounded great and the wedding was beautiful. So cool that y'all got to be a part of it! I loved all of the pictures!!!
Definitely one of my dream places to go visit. All your pictures look amazing! The wedding was beautiful ♥
Perfect post!
Absolutely amazing! Your photos are spectacular! What an incredible trip. I've always wanted to go to India – this has fueled my wanderlust!
Oh my goodness, this post gives me wanderlust so badly! I felt the same way when we came home from Thailand last summer — how do I recap all this amazingness? Where do I begin? That wedding celebration looked absolutely spectacular and I love you blue sari (sp?)!
You are GORGEOUS, friend… that sari looks amazing on you! I would've wanted pictures with you, too!
So awesome that they asked you to be such a special part of their day!
So happy for you. Looks like you had a great time there. I hope one time I will visit India. Great pictures.
This was so interesting to read (and girl, you look stunning in that sari!). I loved your reaction to the elephants. So excited to read about the rest of your trip!
Loved reading every bit of this! India looks extremely beautiful and the blue sari is perfect on you!
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
oh my what a delightful post! I love all of the photos but I love the one of you on the balcony and you and your husband and your part in the wedding. You looked gorgeous in that color blue!! This had to be so much work putting this post together, don't have a clue how you had the energy to do it after just coming home. You are amazing! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody
Amazing photos. Just makes me want to quit my job and travel there.// â–² â–²
The first part of your trip looked so fun (truthfully, the whole thing did!) So glad that you guys got to experience so much. You already know I loved you in that sari! And I'm probably the most envious of you guys getting to see those elephants!
Such great pictures! Looks like an amazing place to visit!
HOW AMAZING!! What a fun thing to experience! Your pictures are perfect and you looked beautiful in your sari! I love the blue and gold. I cannot imagine getting to see an authentic Indian wedding in India! It is such a different culture and so bright and colorful! I'm glad y'all had such a great time. Can't wait to read and see your pictures from the rest!
Wow! What an incredible experience! India has never been on my travel list either but your pictures and your description has me convinced I need to get there one day. I love your blue sari….you looked beautiful! And the henna and cocktails party looked like so much fun! Can't wait to read about your adventures in Dubai!
Taffeta & Tulips
Wow, what an incredible experience! It all sounds so amazing and it's BEAUTIFUL there!
These pictures are amazing B!! What a trip!! You are positively regal in that blue sari!!!!! Love it!! My closest friends growing up were Indian, so I always hoped to tag along with them on a trip and see it from a local's perspective.
…seriously what a trip!! I am loving all the photos and you looked beautiful in the sari! Blue is your color, chickie!
The wedding looked incredible! So awesome you got to be part of it. I'm glad you had a good experience in India. Can't wait to hear about Dubai.
I never thought that I would want to go to India, but your post has totally changed my mind! Now I just have to get the nerve up to be on a plane for that long! Haha.
Seriously, girl, this trip was just fabulous and I can't wait to see more!
The pictures are all so beautiful! The botanical garden looks amazing! And you in that sari… so perfect!
xoxo, Jenna
Boston Chic Party
sounds like an incredible trip!! and I LOVE your sari. that color blue is just gorgeous. india is for sure on my travel bucket list! i can't wait to go someday. xo jillian – cornflake dreams
What a beautiful, once in a lifetime trip! I love all your experiences! I was actually looking to do a trip to India over the summer when I was in college and chickened out for the amount of shots I needed to go. xo, Champagne&Suburbs
I didn't realize India had such a huge time difference. Those are so hard to get adjusted to! Your sari is beautiful! Where did you find it?
What absolutely beautiful pictures! That sari is just gorgeous on you! Definitely a memorable trip/wedding! So neat!
It sounds like you had an amazing trip girl! That sari looks beautiful on you, blue is your color!! How fun that you were a part of your friends wedding in such a special way! I've never actually been to Mangalore, so it'll be on my list for the next time I'm in India. I went to Bangalore a long long time ago so definitely on a short list of places to go visit next time I'm in India!
What a beautiful, photo-filled post. That first picture of the wings of the plane with that gorgeous strip of sunset is amazing. You guys stayed at some of the best hotels everywhere in your trip – how lucky. I want those adorable elephant mugs and saucers – how cute. And how adorable that you saw (so close) an elephant live. I would have been a little scared too. The wedding looks amazing and I love that gorgeous vibrant blue sari on you but I am in love with the neutral scallop lace dress. WOW!
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