Happy Friday indeed friends! This has been quite the week – I’m not sure if it’s the gloomy weather, but I’ve sort of been in a funk all week and I’m ready for the weekend! I’ve got so many events lined up for both work and my personal life that it’s all sort of starting to mesh together – but as they say, it’s a nice problem to have! Here are some of my favorites from the week!
Favorite Smoothie Recipe
Favorite Smoothie Recipe
I’ve been on a smoothie kick the last few weeks and Nichole from Casa de Crews shared this delicious PB&J protein smoothie and I can’t wait to make it! All the more reason to get that Nutri Bullet from my wishlist this week!
Favorite Song
Favorite Song
This song has been in every spin class I’ve taken recently and it’s so catchy! I’m not sure what Sean Paul has been doing since 2006, but he’s back with Sia and I still can’t understand a word he says…thankfully this is a lyric video!
Favorite Easy DIY
Favorite Easy DIY
Every other week I feel like I’m trying to come up with ways to help myself stay organized – when I found this DIY for the entire year at a more macro level, I immediately tried to figure out how to make it work for me! As she says in the post – this isn’t about the little tasks we have daily, it’s about the bigger picture and seeing the whole year – vacations, events, weddings!
Favorite New Bronzer
Favorite New Bronzer
I was watching a few YouTube videos this week and saw about 4 people mention Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer – so naturally I picked it up! I was down to the bottom of my Elf one and I’m excited to get back to Physicians Formula – I really like their stuff and I’ll let you now how this one works!
Favorite Links
Favorite Links
//7 Ways to measure success in your career
// 7 Mompreneurs to Know
//How delicious does this Blood Orange drink sound
Hope the weekend is fabulous for everyone! See you back here Monday for Weekending!

That smoothie looks so yummy! And Sean Paul- I don't understand a word either! Oh well, it's a catchy song.
That planner looks cool… I've been thinking that I need to start organising myself more and that looks perfect to be able to see everything you've accomplished and are planning to do all on one page 🙂
Hollie | hollieshighlights.blogspot.co.uk
I feel your funk girl!! Let's out this week behind us and soak up the weekend!! The packaging on that bronzer is soooo cute! I feel my smoothie love coming back. That looks delish!! Enjoy your weekend beautiful!!
That bronzer looks amazing!
I am definitely ready for the weekend, too! Love the idea of a full year overview – that would be nice and easy to reference for the big events. Happy Friday!
i love that bronzer! the first time i bought it in the light shade and it was too light! it smells like coconut. so lovely!
Love that calendar-esque DIY! What an awesome idea for planning 🙂
I do smoothies everyday! I love coming up with fun new ones, such a great way to start the day! I love my nutri bullet! I highly recommend 🙂 Happy Friday!!
I also heard about the Physicians Formula bronzer and how it smells amazing! I can't wait to hear if you like it. Have a great weekend!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I thought the same thing when I heard that Sean Paul song, where has this guy been?! Maybe it's the facet I haven't had a drink in 39 weeks but I'm drooling over that paloma (at 6 AM…). UGH it sounds so delicious!
That song is so catchy! I make a smoothie every morning and that PB&J sounds delicious! Have a wonderful weekend!
Doused In Pink
That smoothie sounds delicious! I am also looking for more smoothie recipes to change things up a bit. Enjoy your busy weekend!
Evelina @ Fortunate House
That blood orange drink yummm! I hope you have a great weekend with lots of fun and relaxation! Xoxo
I definitely want to hear what you think about that Physician's Formula bronzer because I have heard a lot about it too! That smoothie sounds so YUM–maybe I'll attempt to make it for breakfast this morning! Happy Friday girl!
Love this DIY macro level calendar! I get so caught up on daily to do lists, I really need to look at the whole picture. Thanks so much for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde's Moment
I only look at my planner on a monthly view because I'm the same way about knowing the macro overview of my month. If I try to do it by day I just get overwhelmed. I absolutely adore the Mompreneurs round up. I learned about some new companies. Hope you have a great weekend doll!
I love that song!! It's so good 🙂 I've never used that bronzer before, maybe I will try it out but I've been on this Younique fix. Have a great weekend!!!
A year at a glance planner looks like a good idea! Seeing the big picture sometimes is necessary instead of looking at all the appointments and daily things. Have a great weekend!
Sia is so awesome. I love that whole album. Happy weekend!
Checking out the smoothie recipe. I may have finally found a replacement blender!! Also how cute is that glass it's being held in?
I need to check out that Sia video, love Sia, but you're right, Sean Paul, last time I heard him was on Baby Boy.
liz @ j for joiner
that song is so catchy and fun. love when it comes on in the car! and that bronzer looks awesome. i need a good one for summer so i may check it out! have a happy friday and weekend! hope you get out of your funk love!
xoxo cheshire kat
That smooothie looks yummy! And that little month view calendar sheet looks really handy! Hope you have a great weekend!
Ooo, that definitely would be a good spin song. I generally go to RMO (Les Mills) and they don't switch up the music much. Happy Friday!
That bronzer is so pretty! Sorry it's been such a rough week, but yay for the weekend and for events helping it go by fast. Sending some much needed warmth and sunshine up your way friend <3
Green Fashionista
I thought that said "Butt Bronzer" I was like WHAT? haha… I do love a good bronzer though – perfect for the summer glow.
The weather here has been so blah lately, too – definitely over the rain and cloudiness! Love that bronzer, off to check it out now. Hope you have a great weekend!
I was on a huge smoothie kick not long ago…I need to start back up again! I've heard so much on that bronzer, but haven't been able to find it anywhere. Hitting up a few drugstores after work today. Hope you have a great weekend, Biana!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
Oh man. I am totally with you. This weather is killing me. We are getting like two nice days in NYC and then back to rain (including this whole weekend and the next one). I cant deal. I feel like I live in Seattle. Anyway, thank you for sharing that Peanut Butter and Jelly smoothie! That sounds amazing! Listen to you talking about every spin class. Get it girl! I have been so lazy working out. I need to get on it.
I love smoothies and that one looks yummy!! Hope you have a great weekend!
That smoothie sounds delish! I've been in a huge smoothie on th eweekend kick lately!
That smoothie sounds SO delicious! I love peanut butter and jelly, so this looks like a recipe I need to try, too! I've really been loving the new packaging that Physician's Formula has been rolling out! I have a couple of their products, I'll have to look into their bronzers because the one I bought recently isn't a good enough match. Thanks for sharing your favorite links, as always, I read the one on measuring success and it was a great read! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, beauty!
PB&J protein smoothie?! SIGN ME UP!! 😉 I like the concept of looking at yearly goals in a more manageable format like that!
Ooo that butter bronzer looks amazing! Also I'm seriously lmao at the Sean Paul thing… I never understand what he says either! Great favorites! XO – Kim
Happy Friday girl! I just bought a new bronzer but let us know how this one is!! And I'm tooootally with you on the smoothie kick! SO freaking good!
Xox Dana Ivy // iadorewhatilove.com
This gloomy weather is really a downer!…. I actually just tried the Butter Bronzer and it blew my mind! Kisses,
Be able to see the entire year at a glance is SUCH a great idea! It's nice to have an overview of important events all in one place because that makes it so much easier to spread stuff out more evenly if possible. We always end up with several months with entirely too much crammed in!
It has been gloomy here all week too. I want sunshine, time outside and that smoothie you posted!
Definitely the weather—I've been in a funk all week too and so has pretty much everyone it seems!
That macro calendar/agenda is so simple but so brilliant—going to make one right now.
Hope your weekend is bright and beautiful!
great roundup – that smoothie looks delicious! enjoy your weekend lady!
That smoothie sounds delicious, Nichole always has such great recipes! I hope you have a great weekend xx
Amanda Kids and Cabernet
That is SUCH a good DIY idea because sometimes my husband and I say yes to 3 things in advance and next thing you know we're constantly gone and like "we just want to relax". Hope you enjoy your weekend Biana!
Hahaha yes to everything you said about Sean Paul! Enjoy your busy but fun weekend 🙂
Beautifully Candid
Seriously where has Sean Paul been? lol That's a great song to listen to while working out (I can understand what he's saying just from knowing Caribbean slang)… Have fun at all your events this weekend and I hope they brighten your day to make up for the gloomy week!
Oh my smoothie! Peanut butter anything is my favorite! Have a great weekend!
Lovely picks, the smoothie recipe seems sooo delicious. And just read the post on measuring success, so good! Have a lovely weekend! Xx
That sounds like a great smoothie! I'm stuck in a rut and do the same thing every time! Have a great weekend!
xo, Traci
I like that yearly outline idea.. I definitely tend to focus on smaller things much more than I should, and then don't give enough attention to the more important goals/events I have!
I love Physician's Formula bronzers! I just finished one up and they're so great for the price! This weather has definitely had an effect on the week… send us sun! And, big YES to that song. It's so catchy and good! Hope you have a great weekend! Xo
Can’t stop listening to that song too! So good!
that butter bronzer is the best thing in the world. I love it. Sometimes I use it as eyeshadow just so I can smell it longer. It's true, I really do.
Hope the weather (and funk) clears so you have a FABULOUS weekend! Make today work, Rachel -CubicleCouture
Ahhhhh Sean Paul!!! !Man, Sean Paul and JT in the same day? I cant handle the awesomeness!!! Let us know your thoughts on that bronzer! My too faced one is getting close to the bottom and showing lots of metal! Happy Friday!
That smoothie looks so delicious, and you can't beat the way that it's presented either! That sounds like a great planner to use to see the entire year! I'll have to check that post out! I hope you have a great Friday and weekend!
Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! That smoothie looks amazing!
We have been on a smoothie kick lately too! Love them. I definitely think you need to get that new blender! And I am forever trying new ways to stay organized! I hope you find what works for you!
I have been on a major Sia kick. Love that song. Oh, I need a new bronzer, will be picking that up tomorrow!Have a great weekend!
I love a good smoothie recipe especially for spring/summer! That song is SO catchy, I love it. My sister chose it for her reception entrance song because she liked it so much :)! I hope your funk is gone and you have a wonderful weekend!
Oh I've had that song in my head all week! I always enjoy your Friday around ups, I'll be sure to try that bronzer I'm in need of a new one. Hope you have a great weekend and get some sunshine!
Heidi || Wishes & Reality
I've been feeling blah all week too, think it's the weather! I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!
Pumps & Push-Ups
That blood orange beverage sounds amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
xx Leah / eatpraywearlove.com
Always love these roundups!! So good! xo
Thanks for sharing that smoothie recipe – I've been in a rut with mine lately, so I needed some new material! Hope you had a good weekend!
Great list as always! Love the mompreneurs – so inspirational!
I meant to comment I your snaps but I've been wanting to try that Bronzer. Actually baby girl was trying to talk me into getting it a few week ago. She already knows makeup better than I do, lol!
oh I LOVE that easy DIY– so simple, but I can see it being super helpful! We had a day of non-rain, anddd it's raining again today 🙁 it's so depressing. I hope you guys are getting a little sun finally!
I hope your weekend went better than your gloomy week! I have been using the Butter Bronzer every day single March and I LOVE it!!!! (:
Mmmm that PB&J shake sounds delicious! I never knew there was such thing as the peanut powder! I think that DIY calendar idea for getting the big picture is perfect! Especially for keeping my husband on the same page month to month 😉
That smoothie looks delicious! And how fun is that DIY calendar! I'm always looking to you for organization tips, so thanks again for this! xo, Champagne&Suburbs
oh that sucks about your funk girl, i know this is quite late but i hope you're completely out of it now 🙂 that smoothie looks so good, and that song sounds fun – who knew sean paul was still around lol