Day in the Life | Home Edition

Happy Wednesday, friends! I have been wanting to do a little day in the life for a while now, especially since so much has changed in the last 10 months that we’ve been working from home, more of a routine. With no real end in sight, I thought it was time to document this part of our lives, even though I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

We decided not to send Sophia back to daycare when it opened last summer and have since found an incredible part time nanny that is truly someone that Sophia took to immediately. Gary jokes that we actually have two micro days in one – the morning and then after Sophia’s nap. Both parts of the day go by so fast.

Wake Up || These days we are all getting our day started around 7:00 AM. What a treat that is, considering pre-pandemic life we were all out the door at 7:30 and it all felt so rushed. Gary sets up little “scenes” with Sophia’s toys at night so she can discover them in the morning. Makes her think that her toys are playing while she’s sleeping!

7:00-8:30 AM || We use this time to getting situated! I usually throw in a load a laundry because no matter how much I do, it still piles up! I’m getting ready which consists of a cute sweater for Zoom meetings and leggings on the bottom – wow real clothes will be hard to wear again! I also put makeup on every day – just makes me feel better! Gary’s in charge of breakfast most mornings and Sophia is either playing in the room while I get ready or watching an episode of her favorite show – Tayo. I make all my beverages for the morning including collagen, coffee and take my pro/prebiotic and vitamins.

Pretty much posted up here for the last 10 months!

8:30 AM -12:30 PM || Cindy gets to our house right around 8:30 and honestly I’ve never seen Sophia so happy to see anyone. Every day it’s like she’s surprised Cindy’s coming – it’s actually the sweetest thing ever. They’ll usually go back to Sophia’s room to finish breakfast, make some crafts and play. Depending on the weather, they may go to a park or ride around on her scooter.

These 4 hours of uninterrupted work time have been amazing. When this all started Gary and I, like so many others, were trying to juggle naps, playtime, screen time and everything else in between meetings. Now we can focus and not be interrupted.

Since Cindy is still here for lunch, I make it for Sophia and she wrangles her into eating. Gary and I make something quick – today happened to be sandwiches and we try to squeeze as much work time as possible.

Just ordered these weights – fair warning, make sure you buy two because it doesn’t come in a pair!

12:45-2:45 PM || Our saving grace is that (knock on wood) Sophia still likes her nap. I try to squeeze in a 20-30 minute strength or HIIT workout. I have a full review of Apple Fitness One coming later this month! After that I’m back to work before she wakes up.

3:00-6:30 PM || The second half of our micro-day begins and it’s operation keep Sophia engaged. I’d like to say we limit screen time and for the most part we do, but if we both have meetings in the afternoon, then it’s a TV babysitter kind of time. Luckily, Gary is actually starting a new job in a couple weeks so he’s off and playing with Sophia. Yesterday, we happened to get a rower delivered, so they put that together!

Super simple air fried tilapia, rice & broccoli! We also use paper plates quite often because it feels like we run the dishwasher non-stop!

I start dinner so that it’s ready around 5 to eat. Might seem a little early, but it takes a while for Sophia to finish her entire dinner. I jump in the shower right after, Gary clears off everything in the kitchen and then once I’m out, I do a light sweep of the rooms, just cleaning all the lights & handles with disinfectant- does anyone still do this?

6:30-8:00 PM || Night time routine begins! We rotate who does the bath, while the other person tidies the living room. We read stories, talk about her favorite part of the day. Around 7:15 I go back with Sophia while she gets settled into her bed. I still sit with her while she’s in her crib and she sings to me, talks to me and then drifts off to sleep. Believe me, this child also comes up with every excuse under the sun including but not limited to needing to wear a princess dress, bandaids for nonexistent boo-boo’s, cream for her nose, some stuffed animal that she just remembered and so on!

Pretty sure she used up all her energy on this rower! We’re not keeping it in the living room, but since it was out – she was excited!

8:00-10:00 PM|| Once Sophia is sleeping, it’s finally time to just unwind! I’m either finishing up a blog post or scrolling / posting on Instagram, while half watching something on TV. Truly just trying to relax! I also really love having a cup of tea and some sort of treat!

On average, this is what our Monday – Fridays look like. It’s nice to not be rushing around trying to scramble getting meals cooked, laundry done, etc. I’m so grateful for the help that we have and I’m especially thankful that we are able to work from home during this time.

You’ll notice the laundry did not get put away – usually takes me about a day to actually put it away, unless it’s Sophia’s – then it’s done right away.

Are our days pretty similar to mine?


  1. January 13, 2021 / 6:15 am

    Sophia is so cute!! It’s so nice that you have someone to keep her occupied during the day, not to mention someone that she loves!! I had so much fun reading this post!!

  2. January 13, 2021 / 7:21 am

    That’s amazing that you guys found a nanny you love! I don’t know how all the working parents are doing it right now! Love all of Sophia’s princess dresses–she is the cutest!

    Rosy Outlook 

  3. Andrea Nine
    January 13, 2021 / 9:55 am

    I love the balance and creativity you brought to your days at home! What I love most is all that extra Sophia time! I know it has done you’re so good. I know it can be hard at times but at least you have some sweet help!

  4. January 13, 2021 / 10:12 am

    Oh my goodness, I cannot get past the part where you said Gary sets up little scenes with Sophia’s toys… HOW DANG SWEET. Seriously, the best dad! And how wonderful that y’all found someone who can come in and help with Sophia every day. I don’t know how y’all were doing it before, both working full time!! I can’t even imagine! Sometimes you have to let the TV be the baby sitter and that’s totally okay… whatever you have to do to get through this weird time we’re living in. And finally, yes, we are still disinfecting door knobs and light switches pretty frequently… especially after someone runs an errand! You’re not the only one. :o)

  5. Rachel
    January 13, 2021 / 10:53 am

    Exciting about Gary’s new job! I didn’t know that– looking forward to hearing about it! And this post confirms… you’re supermom (aka Yana needs a new book!)!!!! XOXO, R

  6. Carly
    January 13, 2021 / 12:58 pm

    I love reading these! Sophia is the cutest and her hair twisted back in the butterfly clips totally takes me back to being younger & wearing my hair like that, lol. It sounds like you found an awesome nanny– I still don’t know how anyone is working with their kids at home without any help. You guys are all doing an amazing job. I can’t wait to hear more about the fitness app, I feel like my husband might like it since it links up to the watch? And that rower looks awesome!

  7. Sarah Shaneyfelt
    January 13, 2021 / 6:15 pm

    I cannot imagine working at home right now! So crazy! When we had our stay at home orders and virtual school, it was a mess trying to do my work on the computer or have google meets with Harrison because my husband was an essential worker. Y’all are awesome for managing everything!

  8. January 14, 2021 / 8:59 am

    What a fun post!! Sophia looks like she is having a blast!!

  9. January 14, 2021 / 12:08 pm

    Wow I really admire people that can work from home with young children this is a challenge for sure but it seems like you really have it under control. And being home with your daughter at this young age is great. You have a lovey home and love the dog on the fan and LOVE this shot of you!

    Allie of

  10. January 14, 2021 / 4:31 pm

    Working in leggings & slippers- the best thing about COVID 🙂

  11. January 15, 2021 / 9:51 am

    This feels so relatable! I love hearing about people’s days and how they get everything done!

  12. January 15, 2021 / 7:23 pm

    We got a babysitter this past fall…she’s usually here for 5-6 hours a day, even if my husband is working from home (his schedule changes by the week right now), while I’m out at work, and it’s been the BEST. It’s so good for 2 year olds to have that extra interaction!

    Do you find that it’s harder, living in a city or in an apartment, during this WFH time?

  13. January 17, 2021 / 9:08 pm

    I love that your husband sets up scenes with Sophia’s toys! It sounds like you have a great routine nailed down. So wonderful that you found a PT nanny to help out!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  14. January 19, 2021 / 1:19 pm

    I love day in the life posts. These are my favorite. I love snooping in on what everyone else does. I need to do one again with the pandemic full in force still.

  15. January 25, 2021 / 12:35 pm

    Our days are similar but replace Cindy with daycare and/or my MIL! I will say the one thing that has been great about the pandemic is the lack of commuting, which saves us some extra time in the AM to sleep (even if it’s just 15 minutes…)