Why We Needed a Pest Control Provider

Thank you to Fox Pest Control for sponsoring todays post. I received a free service in exchange for this post, but as always all opinions are my own.

Happy Monday, friends! I have a confession to make…I had no idea how big the bugs in the suburbs were compared to the ones we had in the city! Honestly, it’s actually a little alarming at how large they are! Another confession, I have not had a pest control provider while living outside of my parents home since I was 18! Within the first week of moving and seeing the size of these pests, I was thrilled to have an appointment scheduled with Fox Pest Control!

It was so important to me that the products used around our home and outside are family (and pet safe) and offer environmentally-responsible treatment programs. Each of the branches, including the Boston one, are locally operated and it was so nice to have the technician call when he was 20 minutes away and actually show up on time! Those 4-5 hour windows are just brutal and Fox Pest Control doesn’t leave you hanging with their arrival times!

Since this was our first appointment, the technician really took the time to go through exactly what he would be doing, the areas outside our house he would be treating and what we needed to look out for after he was done, especially since Sophia would want to play outside.

The entire service typically takes 20 minutes, but he did go a bit over because it was his first visit and I noted a few concerns I had such as carpenter bees and wasps around our deck. It’s also tick season which is super scary living so close to the woods and deer are pretty prevalent in our area, so he made sure to put the treatment out for that as well around the perimeter of our yard.

What I found most impressive was that he had a super long spray hose and when climbing up his ladder he was able to get almost all the way to our third floor windows!

He also told us that we should expect an uptick in the bugs going to the treated areas because that’s how they vanish, but to be honest I didn’t see anything that made me feel uncomfortable while we were outside. What I did notice was that within a few days, the bees, wasps and everything else that made sitting outside pretty unbearable, gone!

We moved to the suburbs for the space, not only indoors but outdoors as well. Knowing that we aren’t bothered by bugs as much as we were before is really nice! We are outside on the deck daily, weather permitting and it’s nice not having to layer on the bug spray every single time we go outside.

I am so grateful to know that these pests are few and far between now and it’s a service I’m looking forward to having them come out again for the Fall and treat our home! Do you have a regular pest control company that comes to your house?


  1. July 26, 2021 / 7:27 am

    You have a gorgeous yard, backed up to the woods! I haven’t used a pest control provider before, but I have thought about it. My back is teeny tiny, but the bugs are anything but. 🙂 That said, they haven’t been too bad this year (knock on wood), so I am hopeful that will continue to be the trend!

  2. Regine Karpel
    July 26, 2021 / 8:00 am

    You have a gorgeous yard. I’m glad you found a pest control service that works for you. I don’t like ticks at all. I hope you have many happy years in your new home.

  3. July 26, 2021 / 8:44 am

    Biana!!!! I’m so happy to be back here catching up on all the new and exciting life changes. Congrats on baby #2 and the new home!!! We actually just bought a home in your hometown, Jacksonville, and will be moving in about a week. That said, I’ll have to see if they have a branch out there. Thank you for sharing your experience with Fox Pest, it’s always good when you have a referral from someone you trust because they’re are so many companies, you don’t know which one is actual good. Sending you much love!



  4. July 26, 2021 / 10:19 am

    Living in the south, everyone has to have a pest control provider, otherwise we’d be in trouble! I’m sure you remember all of the bugs when you lived in Florida! EEKS! I’m glad y’all found one that you love. On another note, we need a home tour!! I wanna see more of that beautiful new house!

  5. July 26, 2021 / 10:29 am

    Oh yes those little critters are not for the faint of heart! So glad you’re enjoying all that gorgeous outdoor space <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. July 26, 2021 / 2:04 pm

    Beautiful yard. We just had our guy come over too!

  7. July 26, 2021 / 4:16 pm

    It’s a shame that it impacted the bees around you but good your house is otherwise safe from critters, haha! 🙂 It’s an annual thing here to get pest control – can’t imagine going without it, as with the little ones we need to ensure they are protected from redback spiders. And for me I need to ensure the house is protected from huntsmen spiders, ha! they aren’t harmful to us (and in fact they snack on the redbacks that could kill the kids) it’s just that they are really big and I’m really scared of spiders, haha!

    Hope your week is off to a good start 🙂

  8. Sarah Shaneyfelt
    July 26, 2021 / 9:23 pm

    We would not survive without pest control! Our guy who comes each month is the nicest!! So glad y’all can enjoy the outside now 🙂