It has been 4 months since the last Mason update and I honestly cant believe he is already 6 months old. An entire half a year spent watching him grow and loving on him endlessly! I give him at least 100 kisses a day 😉 He has really come into his own and you can see his little personality developing. Gary and I think he babbles way more than Sophia did at this age, but then again it was all a blur before.
Six Month Milestones

I try not to compare where is he developmentally to where Sophia was at his age, but it can be hard. For example, Sophia was rolling over a ton at 5 months and while he has rolled over a few times here and there, Mason really doesn’t seem interested in it. He is however a pro at sitting now – honestly in the last week he went from being a little lopsided sitting to perfect posture! I feel like he is going to go from crawling to walking way faster than Sophia just because he sees everything she does!

I started him on oatmeal a little later – about 5 months since I didn’t want to take it to the Bahamas with us and as soon as we got back he started with purees! So far he has tried pumpkin, green beans, sweet potato and apple. We got the go ahead to start on allergens – peanut butter will be coming soon. He is still nursing / having bottles 5-6 times a day and now we have added in a little breakfast and dinner for him as well – boy is an eater!

He is a social baby – loves people, loves to smile & loves to cough to get attention. The first few times I thought something was in his throat, but alas he was just trying to get our attention. A core memory that I will always remember is how he smiles when I sing to him after his bath – he loves his mama and it makes my heart so happy! He will follow me around the room and searches for me when I’m not there – swoon!

We also got his first passport stamp and I could not have been more thankful for how easy he was to travel with! I have said it before and I will say it again, but he goes with the flow because he has no choice. He has to nap on the go occasionally which may be why his naps at home haven’t been that great, but I know it will pass.

Speaking of sleep, we will be moving Mason to his own room at night this week! I’m a little sad that he wont be in our room anymore, but it will be nice for him to be in his own space throughout the night. We did have the 4 month sleep regression for about 2 weeks – it was not fun, but we survived!
Sophia is still Mason’s biggest fan and the love she has for him is something that I cherish. I hope they will always be close – everything she does, he thinks is the best thing in the world. We did have a week or so where Sophia was a little jealous of the time I was spending while feeding or putting Mason to sleep, but she quickly moved on. I do think this will be ongoing for a couple more months.
Baby Products We are Loving ||

- SkipHop Activity Centre || I am so glad we kept this from when Sophia was a baby and have been using it every single day since Mason was about 4.5months old.
- Water Pat Mat || This is great for tummy time and now that Mason is sitting, he likes to stomp his little feet on it.
- Bumbo Multi-Seat || Another product from when Sophia was a baby and a really easy way for us to feed Mason and have him part of the action. Still deciding if we will get an actual high chair or also use the lobster chair that hooks onto our island. For now, this is perfect for eating!

Every stage has his tough moments and it’s beautiful moments, but oh my goodness do I love being this little loves mama!
6 months already?! Time just flies! He is so adorable and a little heart stealer 🙂 I feel like 6 months was where it started getting fun with E! Enjoy your sweet little guy!
Oh Mason, such a joy! And so handsome! I love this post!
You transitioned to having 2 kids so easily – its like Mason was always there.
He just looks like the happiest baby!
I’m sure its hard not to compare – but babies totally have their own timeline.
He is just SO cute and I love his little outfits. I also think that he looks so much like Gary!
He is absolutely darling. I love this little smile. It is so hard not to compare kids. I do it and my girls are twins. I can’t believe he is already sitting up so well!
Wow, 6 months already?! Time sure does fly by. He is so adorable and looks like such a happy baby.
Maureen |
What a little lovebug!! Happy 6 months, sweet Mason!