I was looking through my posts and realized that I never got to the Amazon purchases from June! I have come to terms with the fact that I will always have Amazon heavy months! Also, prime day(s) are next week so I am preparing a post as well as my purchases for that! Let’s get into it!

Daily SPF || This is the SPF that Hailey Bieber swears by and I have to say – it’s pretty good! I thought I ordered the one that was tinted as well, but alas it was the plain one. I do like it a lot, so I will more then likely repurchase with the tinted one when I’m through.

Nose Sucker || I don’t know why it took me so long to order an automatic nose cleaner, but it’s a game changer! I swear Mason’s nose is constantly stuffy after starting daycare and this is a lifesaver and timesaver! It’s over before he can even complain!

Walkie Chalkie || The summer must have we all need – especially those of us that dislike bending down to draw with chalk! This chalk stick is a miracle product and comes with a couple of pieces of chalk as well! Super fun for the kids and for adults!

I quickly realized that Sophia has grown out of ALL of her shoes, so Amazon to the rescue! She has been talking about Crocs for the longest time, I didn’t get her a pair of crocs, but these are pretty much the same thing. These white sandals are so comfortable and pretty! She has a great pair of sneakers, but this is just an every day pair to wear!

Baby Pool Float || I’ve decided that the beach is just not going to happen that much this summer – it’s too hectic with a baby that is now on the move and a very active little girl! Next year we’ll do the beach more, but until then the pool is more my speed. I love this little float and Mason is still getting used to it, but there are a ton of harnesses to keep him safe – of course with supervision and floating gently in the water!

Foot File || Pretty self explanatory, but I needed a new foot file and this one was pink, so why not!

I was having a little bit of an issue with my milk supply since Mason started school and started these liquid gold supplements as well as cookies. I definitely saw a change in the right direction after I finished both!

Sophia is starting gymnastics in a few days – she is ecstatic and cannot wait! I ordered a couple of leotards for her and both are true to size.

Bottle / Dish Soap || I use this for Mason’s stuff only – the three pack is a great buy because only one at Target is close to $6 and this is 3 for $14! I also pack it if we go on vacation and I need to clean his things.

Adjustable Ankle Weights || If the Bala bands aren’t heavy enough for you or you just want some extra resistance while working out – these are great. I bought them for Gary for Father’s Day and they are adjustable in the weight sense as well as making them tighter or looser.

Elastic Maxi Skirt || I’m on a real skirt kick this summer and I love that this one is elastic, super flowy and comes in a ton of colors.
Here’s a few more Amazon basics clothing pieces that are so good. Honestly Amazon brand clothes are such great quality and a great value. Highly recommend and they will be on sale for Prime Day as well!

Stretch Polo || Shirt Dress || Linen Jumpsuit || Toddler Active Shorts || Cotton Mini Dress

300 Pack of Bandages || The fact that I have now purchased this pack of bandages twice should tell you how obsessed Sophia is with covering any little tiny scratch she has! Forget the cute kids bandaids – these are all she gets now! Thankfully she has toned it down quite a bit with her love for them, but now I’m just prepared!
Are you ready for Prime Day? Will you be shopping for anything specific?
So many great Amazon finds! I just started using that sunscreen recently and really like it! That maxi skirt is so cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Well dang, now they have automatic nose suckers?! Man, y’all have the best stuff now! When my kids were babies, most people were still using the bulbs that you squeeze, and then the Nose Frida came out which we used all the time with Olivia. It was so gross, but it worked so well that it was worth it. I can’t even imagine being so lucky as to have an automatic one now!! It’s about time somebody invented that!
Awesome call on the super pack of bandaids – I just added them to my cart as well since my kiddo ALSO likes to cover every tiny scratch!
Great finds! I need to check out the sunscreen. It sounds wonderful.
I’m off to check out that cute maxi skirt! Also, I can’t wait for Prime Day this week!
Yay gymnastics! Serena has that unicorn leotard too, and loves it! Can’t wait to hear how much she loves her new sport <3
That shirt dress that you got is so cute. I love the little gymnastics leotards too.