Today, my first baby turns four! I’ll be cliche and say I have no idea where the time has gone. I found myself scrolling through old photos on my phone from when Sophia was a baby – it feels like it was so long ago, yet not at all. Such a juxtaposition if there ever was one. I thought I would share some snaps for her Encato themed birthday – it was so fun!

This past year was without a doubt the toughest parenting year thus far. I have a very strong-willed pre-schooler and I am learning to navigate that without feeling like I am failing as a mom.

Sophia is one of the funniest kids I have ever met in my life – she has the true gift of comedic timing! She is kind and pure. She is strong, both physically and mentally – god help the person that tries to stand in her way for anything she wants to get done, mom & dad included! She is a girly girl through and through, loves to dress up and wear heels every single day!

Sophia spent more than half of her third year once again at home with her parents and wonderful nanny. She stepped into the role of big sister so beautifully and is so sweet with Mason!
On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you. And the night wind whispered, ” Life will never be the same. Because there had never been anyone like you…ever in the world.
On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman

I am so incredibly proud of how far Sophia has come with her shyness this year. She started school a few months ago and she was the new girl because it was almost at the end of the “year” if you will since summer was starting and she made so many friends and has really found her stride. Sophia tried ballet & tap this past fall which she loved, but gymnastics is her passion! She cannot get enough and has knack for picking “tricks” up during class. My little swimmer – she loves her weekly swim classes and has made this summer so much fun when we go to the pool! I can’t help but think of the book, If I Could Keep You Little.
If I could keep you little, I’d keep you close to me. But then I’d miss you growing into who you’re meant to be!
It just reminds me that every time she tries something new, get’s frustrated about not getting something right or even runs into class instead of giving us a hug goodbye – she’s learning, she’s growing and she’s figuring out who she’s meant to be!

The more I think about Sophia’s fierceness and stubbornness (if you will) and it being challenging in the moment, the more I realize I never want her to lose that part of herself or dim herself for anyone, including her parents. Although I do wish she’d tone it down a bit on occasion – the decibel at which children can scream is truly mind-blowing 🙂 This 3rd year of her life has taught me how to really focus on what’s right in front of me with Sophia. What she really needs to be consoled, to feel heard and to feel seen.

My absolute favorite thing Sophia says is “Mommy will you stay with me forever?” To which I always reply – Absolutely, you’re stuck with me, love!
Happy Happy Magical Birthday my beautiful baby girl! Love you beyond words!
happy birthday, Sophia!! I cannot believe she’s four!!
Happy happy birthday to your sweetest girl! She is beautiful, Biana! Love that she is so strong mentally… that will take her far in life!
Happy Birthday, Sophia! I never understood the saying the days are long but the years are short until I had a kid. Wow, how true that is. I always think about how confident, loud, bossy, demanding, etc that Zoe can be. But you are right, while it makes it difficult to parent, I don’t want her to to dim that light for anyone. Four is such a fun year! You have so many adventures and fun ahead.
Happy Birthday Sophia! Wishing you all the love, laughter and happiness in the world.
Happy Birthday Sophia! It looks like she had a great time celebrating! I can’t believe how much older she looks now.
Happy 4th birthday, Sophia!