At exactly 1:23 AM on September 30, 2021 my sweet baby boy was born and my heart was complete in a way I never knew it needed to be. Mason is a dream baby and I joked that if you could guarantee another baby would be EXACTLY the same as Mason I’d 100% have a third, but since there are no guarantee’s… well we’ll just leave it there! I’m afraid this post may be all over the place because that’s just how my thoughts of Mason’s first year are going in my head!

From the moment we brought him home, he just fit right in! He was born into our family as he was always intended to be and there is never a moment that he has not made me smile. I am completely biased, but he is just the most handsome little baby boy ever and the way he smiles with his two little teeth absolutely melts me! I joke that I’m not sure how he was such a chill baby because I felt like I was incredibly stressed while I was pregnant with him, but sure enough he is content playing by himself and can keep himself entertained so well.

Maybe because he was the second baby or maybe because Mason was exactly what I needed this year in my life, but he calms me in ways that I never knew I could be calmed. Everything I was worried about as a first time mom, I took in stride the second time around. I didn’t stress about breast feeding and thankfully we never had any issues. I didn’t stress about giving him a pacifier or a bottle and he took to both with no problems. I didn’t stress about sleep training him and he sleeps with far less fanfare needed than his sister, at least right now but who knows how that will change – ha!
What’s crazy is that I was home with Mason for 7 months because I work from home and he didn’t start daycare until then. I feel so lucky that I had all those extra months to bond, something I didn’t have with Sophia. I enjoyed the newborn stage SO much more this time around, probably because I leaned into the help that I was being offered. I enjoyed every single nap I was trapped in, every single feed we had together, every single time I had to rock him to sleep a little longer because this time I knew it was fleeting.

I repeated this quote to myself throughout your first year and probably will forever, “A mother is a son’s first true love. A son, is a mother’s last true love” – there is nothing more true to me! This year flew by faster than our first year with Sophia, at least it feels that way.
My darling little boy – I love you more than you will ever know! I will be by your side for as long as you want and need me to be. I will never stop believing that you can do anything in this world and may you smile with wonder at everything this life has in store for you!
And now I’m just going to be emo all weekend long since my baby is now ONE!!
Happy Birthday precious Mason! What a JOY!
I cannot believe he’s one already! Man, this year flew by! Happy happy birthday to your sweet Mason! Y’all enjoy celebrating him!
I cannot believe Mason is 1!!! Happy birthday, sweet boy!
HOW has it been a whole year?!
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Mason!!
Happy Birthday Mason! He is adorable!