Happy Monday, friends! We are now a solid 9 days into the new year and hopefully starting to come out of that holiday haze. Maybe you have been reading about “Lucky Girl Syndrome” or maybe even seen some TikTok’s about it! If not, it’s pretty much taken over everyone’s “for you page” on the app and it’s basically women / girls telling themselves they are lucky and good things come their way. Is it manifestation, is it privilege or is it delusion? That’s all up for debate, but what I do know, is positive thinking is not a bad thing, so why not put some good vibes out there? You can read all about Lucky Girl Syndrome here, but it’s based on the law of attraction – so if you believe good things are coming to you, good things will come to you. Which leads me into vision boards and manifesting what you want out of life.

Step 1 for me was creating a vision board. This is my third year of doing a vision board and the first two years, I put together a private board on Pinterest that I would look at occasionally. This year I decided to make a version on Canva and keep it as my wallpaper so that I’m always looking at what I want for the year. The pictures don’t have to mean anything to other’s as long as they make sense to you. Using this as my gentle reminder for what I want this year to look like.
Step 2 is going to seem a little bit out there, but I saw a TikTok about manifesting and what this girl suggested was writing about your year as if it already happened. This is going to be really tough at first, but once you start writing the story of your year exactly how you want it to go, the words will just flow out of you. Once you’re done, you can just forget about it. This is not meant to be looked at everyday or even regularly, it’s to put out what you really want to come true!
Step 3 is what you do everyday! This I sort of made up on my own but I’m sure is out there is different ways. I ordered a new notebook and on the first page I wrote down my manifestations that I say to myself every day and the tangible goals that I have for not only myself, but for us as a family this year. These I read every day. The rest of the pages are used for gratitude – it sounds so silly, but writing down a few things you’re grateful for every day, no matter how small or insignificant you might think they are, is enough to give you the feeling of accomplishment and happiness. I usually do 2-3 things everyday and sometimes I hit them all before I’m even down before my morning coffee, other days it takes me until the kids are down to sleep for the night to think of anything that made me grateful, but there is always something to be grateful for.
Do you do any vision boards, manifestations or goals for the year? Do you have a word for yourself this year?
I’ve never heard of Lucky Girl Syndrome but I sure love the name! Hope you have an awesome year!
I don’t do any vision boards or manifestations although they both look super fun and interesting. I don’t do word of the year either but I do set goals for the year.
Great post!
Give me all the manifestation!!! I truly believe what you put into the world, can come back to you! Even the negative – so KEEP IT POSITIVE!!!
I’ve never heard of this syndrome either but it makes perfect sense. And I love the entire concept surrounding the manifestations. Power of positive thinking for sure!
I’ve been thinking of doing a vision board sometime! I truly believe that stuff like this can work!
I’ve never heard of this, but am intrigued. I always love a good vision board <3
Making a vision board and putting it as a background is such a great idea! Or print it out and keep it by your desk or wherever you’ll see it most. Love this! I’ll have to check out Lucky Girl Syndrome, I’ve not heard of it either.
I haven’t seen this trend on tiktok, but I do like the sound of it. I want and need some good luck manifestations in my life.